Rest Day
How to Stay Active on Rest Days – Week 1, Day 6

Stay Active
Rest Day
While an “Active Rest Day” may sound like an oxymoron, your muscles, blood flow and tissues will be thanking you for it in the long run. There are a few simple things you can do to keep active on your rest days, ensuring better results in your future workouts.
Keeping your muscles loose both before and after working out can provide that extra boost you need, prevent further injury and improves your posture. Don’t forget to focus on your shoulders, quadriceps and calf muscles if you’ve been for a run recently!
While yoga can also provide some of those wonderful benefits stretching can, it shouldn’t be overlooked as its own activity. Yoga can increase muscle strength and tone while also promoting cardio and circulatory health.
According to experts, an hour of swimming – which works your body from head to toe – is comparable to burning almost as many calories as running does within the same amount of time, without the impact on your joints and bones!
One could be forgiven for dismissing the simple act of walking, however studies have shown that a daily brisk walk can improve both cardiovascular fitness and muscle endurance. Similar studies have also proven that your mood, cognition, memory and sleep can be greatly enhanced by getting out there and stretching those legs.