• Fitness Tip: Thoughts are powerful; pay attention to yours. Do you encourage yourself with positivity or hold yourself back with negativity while exercising.

  • Fitness Tip: Pay attention to what you are eating. Ask yourself if you really are hungry, or if something else is going on that’s causing you to turn to food.

  • Fitness Tip: Yoga can help you feel centred. It stretches and strengthens your body, improves your breathing and awareness, and empowers your mind.

  • Fitness Tip: Be warned – buying foods labelled ‘low-fat’, ‘non-fat’, or ‘fat-free’ may encourage you to eat up to 50 per cent more calories.

  • Fitness Tip: Weighing yourself too often can cause you to obsess over every pound. Weigh at least once a week, and not every day.